new earth
fresh water
social practice january 2020
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Trying to make the world a better place for the future generation, a small contribution can be eating less meat and try to get our protein needs by replacing our cattle for insects. Less global warming, less use of water and space, different type of protein intake is more sustainable then the way we eat at the moment. Insects are the future.

These are protein enriched treats that fit a healthy lifestyle. Small bites for between meals, with a nice cup of coffee or after a nice workout!
proteine enriched powerball
protein enriched carrot cake ball rolled in crunchy nuts with a creme cheese & ricotta topping
If i had 10 more weeks .....

If I had ten more weeks I would try more recipes and see how may different combinations I could make. Banana bread for instance, a granola to mix with yogurt or kwark, of course a protein enriched smoothie and shake, an energiebar, something with chocolate, muffins in all kinds of flavors.

I would think about how to put my products in the market. Like a cookbook with beautiful pictures, Donna Hay style or maybe a store like SUE in Rotterdam or a nice place to sit and take a moment for yourself, with Yoga music and nice big chairs to disappear, maybe read a book, drink a coffee or ginger tea and I would call it The ProteinBar!

idea's for The ProteinBar
concept & result